Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

tunica mucosa auris mediae (par)

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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level organa sensoria Short Extended
Level 2 organum vestibulocochleare (par) Short Extended
Level 3 auris media (par) Short Extended
Current level tunica mucosa auris mediae (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
59663 7224
tunica mucosa auris mediae (par) ; tunica mucosa cavitatis tympani (par)
mucosa of middle ear (pair); ERR1 (pair)
56778 7225
plica mallearis posterior (par)
posterior mallear fold (pair)
56772 7226
plica mallearis anterior (par)
anterior mallear fold (pair)
77727 7227
plica chordae tympani (par)
fold of chorda tympani (pair)
diaphragma epitympanicum (par)
epitympanic diaphragm (pair)
isthmus anterior diaphragmatis epitympanici (par)
anterior isthmus of epitympanic diaphragm (pair)
isthmus posterior diaphragmatis epitympanici (par)
posterior isthmus of epitympanic diaphragm (pair)
recessus membranae tympanicae (par)
recesses of tympanic membrane (pair)
76930 7229
recessus anterior (par)
anterior recess (pair)
76931 7230
recessus superior (par)
superior recess (pair)
76932 7231
recessus posterior (par)
posterior recess (pair)
77728 7232
plica incudialis (par)
fold of incus (pair)
77729 7233
plica stapedis (par)
fold of stapes (pair)
8218 Tax
laminae tunicae mucosae auris mediae (par)
layers of mucosa of middle ear (pair)
epithelium simplex columnare auris mediae (par)
columnar simple epithelium of middle ear (pair) ; ERR1 (pair)
epitheliocyti (par)
ciliated epitheliocytes (pair)
epithelium simplex squamosum auris mediae (par)
squamous simple epithelium of middle ear (pair) ; ERR1 (pair)
17 lines
76.5 %
64.7 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The diaphragma epitympanicum (epitympanic diaphragm) separates the epitympanum from the mesotympanum. The diaphragm is formed by the lateral incudomallear and mallear folds laterally, and the tensor tympani fold anteriorly. The epitympanum and the mesotympanum communicate through two openings in the diaphragm, known as the isthmus anterior and isthmus posterior.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 7224
Invalid check Found children: 50
Invalid check Found units: 17
Invalid signature 7232 (stored value 6750)
Date: 28.05.2024